Why is it so silent around here?

Allright, I’m finally done with finals, and I hope I’m having no F’s on my report card.

So, why was I so absent in the last month?
Probably because I have no time to ride, because I had to learn for finals!
Enough about school, let’s talk motovlogging!

Question time (from me to me):

Q: Why aren’t there any updates on the bike?
A: I haven’t got the time to film everything, and writing scripts take time. Being the impulsive one, I installed a K&N filter (where I’m going to write a review about) without filming it.
I also consider the bike finished “by now”. I’m still unsure when I can do my full license to ride, because I miss having the “oomph” the NC700X makes when highway cruising, but in city traffic it is just a beast.
It’s also the period where I have to pay my road tax (July) and service (September), which is a huge cut in my budget.

Q: Why aren’t there any motovlogs?
A: I don’t have an interesting topic to talk about. Probably all topics have been talked about?
Maybe I can talk about what mod is my favourite, and what my least favourite one is?
(Hey! That sound’s interesting! :))

Q: Why are there no periodic blog posts?
A: I’m not sure, probably because writing reviews takes a lot of thinking, time and taking pictures while doing bike work, and I also forget to take pics lol.
This blog is also for the “really interested ones” in my blog, because I still have a small YT audience of about 260 subscribers at the time of writing.

Q: Why do you rage so much?
A: I don’t rage everytime something happens! I’m a well preserved guy. Well, the only things hitting the Youtube surface are cherry picked moments of rage, as in my most recent video: THIS MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL it is normal to react to a bicyclist that just crosses the road with no markings, and he appears behind a van which obstructs the view.
If you do stupid things, you get a rage fit, BUT it alleviates the grudge so fast that I forget about it the next day, except when I make a video about it and get notifications on my phone :’)

I hope to upload more videos in the course of the next month, but I also should spend a little bit more time to apply for internships because in the second semester of the upcoming academic year, I have to work as an intern in a marketing bureau or in the department of marketing on different cases.

Wish me luck, and also happy riding day’s to y’all reading!

2 thoughts on “Why is it so silent around here?

  1. The Lone Rider 1 July 2018 / 09:38

    I am interested in accidents, especially motorcycle accidents. Many happen in Luxembourg Grand Duché because the roads are twisty and the gas is cheaper. Because it is cheaper people give more gas.

    I wish you luck with your academic studies. But be careful with your motorbike! All kind of things can happen. People are sometimes months in revalidation because a branch of a tree fell right on their kop.

    After you made some mistakes of your own you will be less angry at others. Old people cannot see so good anymore. But the road is for everybody!!! Pak now yesterday nog.

    The old woman was not holding the road like 2 promille. And she was talking and laughing with the woman next to her, i think her granddaughter. And suddenly she stopped out of the bleu VERY HARD. I think she mistaked from pedaal. And than she recovered and went on like a champ!

    Luckily I was still standing, with smoking brakes and shoes. Watching the old bitch disappear in the distance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cda441 1 July 2018 / 09:51

      Thanks! Well accidents do happen and mistakes happen too at some times. An apology was recommended, but no he had to do as if his nose bleeds. Well lucky that you came out of your situation without “kleerscheuren”.

      You should probably get a helmet cam lol, But in Luxembourg it is I think forbidden to have a dashcam?


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